The wind of freedom blows
Ulrich von Hutten

Sustainability in Science

Higher Education Symposium in Munich demands Novel Collaborations


Quality and Efficiency: A Contradiction in Terms?

Interdisciplinary Congress focuses on Medical Excellence

Schleyer Prizes 2022/2023

Europe on the Move?

New Ideas to Promote Liberty and Prosperity in a Changing World Order


Total Transfer?

Higher Education Symposium on new Expectations in Science, Society and Politics

Politics as a vocation

Workshop at the Federal Foreign Office

Shaping Digitalization

Ideas to drive Economy and Society discussed at Higher Education Symposium in Berlin


The Future of University Teaching

Higher Education Symposium in Cologne

The Future of Scientific Journalism

Universitas Prize 2019


Shaping the Digital Revolution

Friedwart Bruckhaus-Prize 2017/18

Portrait Hanns Martin Schleyer

It is up now to the younger generation to provide answers …

Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble delivers Strube Lecture in Leipzig

How digitalization is changing the whole economy …

A symposium organized jointly with the Otto Wolff Foundation and the IWP

Upcoming Events

May 15-16, 2024 | Munich

Sustainability in Science:
Demands for Novel Collaborations

XVII. Higher Education Symposium
in cooperation with Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung
together with TU München


December 2, 2024 | Munich

Award Ceremony Friedwart Bruckhaus-Prizes 2023/2024