Klaus von Dohnanyi

Hanns Martin Schleyer Prize 2006

Shaking off our fear of differences, summoning more courage to be free, that must be our motto in the future. Only with this resolve can we succeed in our new and freer world and still create the fairest possible society.

Dr Helmut Kohl

at the session of the German Parliament in memory of Dr Hanns Martin Schleyer, murdered on 20 October 1977

Many of us – myself included - have lost a good friend in Hanns Martin Schleyer. We in the CDU are mourning the loss of a member who was always passionately committed to our idea. The entire nation has lost a man who worked tirelessly for his country in an outstanding position of responsibility, a man who unstintingly shouldered this responsibility until his very death, a man who remained true to his convictions, even when they met with no public applause, a man who – as few others – played a decisive role in the economic development, stability and social peace of our country.

Günter de Bruyn

Hanns Martin Schleyer Prize 2007

The main problem with freedom in practice is that it is constantly under threat. And it is threatened not only by enemies, but also by a lack of desire for freedom that arises within us, a lack which might tempt us to value its protection and our security more highly than freedom does itself.
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Foundation Profile

Freedom, democracy and a socially responsible free market economy cannot be taken for granted. They depend on trust in society and positive affirmation from its citizens. The price of a liberal society also includes the will and the courage to shoulder responsibility and, if necessary, to live with its hardships. Strengthening our democracy, our constitution, our legal system and our free market economy – and actively involving the current generation of young graduates in this process – is one of the Foundation’s main focuses.

The extensive changes taking place in this “globalised age” are confronting the state, business, society and, not least, the individual citizen with new challenges: The aim of the Schleyer Foundation is to contribute to intellectual and political orientation in higher education and the public at large which will make young people, in particular, aware of the importance of the rule of law and of finding solutions to society’s problems without restricting its freedoms. This in turn will encourage competitive thinking, creativity and the will to achieve.

The Schleyer Foundation’s programmes particularly aim to promote a dialogue between well-qualified young scientists and practitioners in their field, with other disciplines and the media. Based on liberal values this dialogue creates platforms for refreshing exchanges of ideas and views, establishes long-lasting networks and simultaneously serves as a stimulus for the idea of the Res Publica – the common good.

At the various public events organised by the Foundation new ideas are presented for discussion in open dialogue with practitioners in that field. In the course of more than thirty years this has nurtured a wide variety of contacts and connections and created new perspectives between neighbouring disciplines and between scientific theory and practical experience in politics and business. These bridging dialogues have established a core of fundamental values whose influence can be felt in public life, not least due to the contributions made by over 2,000 alumni active today in science, business, government, education and the media.

The Hanns Martin Schleyer Foundation constantly sticks its finger in the wounds and its oar in society’s great debates. We are an operative and active foundation and a high-level forum attracting considerable public interest.


Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung
Albrechtstraße 22
10117 Berlin
Telefon:    +49 (0)30 27 90 71 64
Fax:           +49 (0)30 27 90 87 43
E-Mail:       info@schleyer-stiftung.de

Bank details

Deutsche Bank Köln
IBAN DE35370700240110999000

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