If you would like to give the Schleyer Foundation your long-term support
Besides donations, you can also support the aims and work of the Schleyer Foundation by making an endowment. The endowed capital remains intact while the earnings create a continuous and permanent source of income for sponsoring our programmes.
With your ideas and in your name
Endowments can be named after the donor and devoted exclusively to the purpose designated by the donor within the framework of the Foundation’s programme: for example, for a prize or an annual “Dialogue Seminar” at a faculty of your choice. It is also possible for the assets endowed to the Schleyer Foundation to be managed separately in the donor’s name, for instance, as an individually structured endowment fund or as a dependent trust fund under the aegis of the Schleyer Foundation.
The Foundation already has considerable experience with these models.
Your commitment to the next generation
With an endowment to the Schleyer Foundation you can make a significant and enduring contribution to the future of our society whilst ensuring that how it is used accords with your own individual wishes. With their clear values, our wide-reaching programmes for young people guarantee your endowment a high degree of effectiveness with the benefit of a lean administration. Endowments can also bring tax benefits.
We recommend that you obtain legal advice regarding the exact form of your endowment. Of course, we are more than willing to be of assistance and would be only too happy to discuss everything with you in confidence.
Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung
Albrechtstraße 22
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0)30 27 90 71 64
Fax: +49 (0)30 27 90 87 43
E-Mail: info@schleyer-stiftung.de
Bank details
Deutsche Bank Köln
IBAN DE35370700240110999000
Please include your name and address on your cheque or transfer.
An official confirmation of your donation will be sent to you automatically.